For most homeowners, the way of staying warm or cool is simply turning your heating on or opening the windows. We all know the frustration of waiting for your home to warm up while wrapped in a blanket or waiting for that breeze to enter your home before you melt.
That’s the one biggest disadvantage for Central heating, the WAIT! Now this is where Air Conditioning plays the great advantage of reaching your desired temperature within seconds/minutes. There’s no banging your radiators or reaching your window handle early in the mornings. With just a simple touch on your phone or controller, you can relax in no time.
Now let’s talk about the most common question you are all thinking, the price! While Air Conditioning is an investment when purchasing, installing and maintaining, in the long run, you do save yourself money on your heating bill. For every kilowatt of electric Air Con uses, it produces 3 kilowatts of heat. Pricing does depend on how much you use your Air Con system.
When it comes to the Winter and you live in the UK, there's no doubt your heating goes straight on and you’re patiently waiting for your home to heat up. However, if you have modern central heating, it’s common for your radiators to turn off automatically when your house reaches a certain temperature, or you forget to turn it off.
Most homeowners see an increase in their heating bill in the Winter, especially when forgetting to turn the heating off. Air Conditioning has a timer feature, allowing you to only use when needed, saving you a lot of money.
Overall, in the long run, Air Conditioning will make your home comfortable a lot faster, gives you more control while saving money on your heating bill. While it is an investment, you are guaranteed to be comfortable ALL YEAR ROUND!